
Token Blueprint

The Token Blueprint is a predesigned template that helps you quickly build a token in `ao`. It is a great way to get started and can be customized to fit your needs.

Unpacking the Token Blueprint

  • Balances: The Balances array is used to store the token balances of the participants.
  • Info Handler: The info handler allows processes to retrieve the token parameters, like Name, Ticker, Logo, and Denomination.
  • Balance Handler: The balance handler allows processes to retrieve the token balance of a participant.
  • Balances Handler: The balances handler allows processes to retrieve the token balances of all participants.
  • Transfer Handler: The transfer handler allows processes to send tokens to another participant.
  • Mint Handler: The mint handler allows processes to mint new tokens.

How To Use:

  1. Open your preferred text editor.
  2. Open the Terminal.
  3. Start your aos process.
  4. Type in .load-blueprint token

Verify the Blueprint is Loaded:

Type in Handlers.list to see the newly loaded handlers.

What's in the Token Blueprint:

  This module implements the ao Standard Token Specification.

    Sender: the wallet or Process that sent the Message

  It will first initialize the internal state, and then attach handlers,
    according to the ao Standard Token Spec API:

    - Info(): return the token parameters, like Name, Ticker, Logo, and Denomination

    - Balance(Target?: string): return the token balance of the Target. If Target is not provided, the Sender
        is assumed to be the Target

    - Balances(): return the token balance of all participants

    - Transfer(Target: string, Quantity: number): if the Sender has a sufficient balance, send the specified Quantity
        to the Target. It will also issue a Credit-Notice to the Target and a Debit-Notice to the Sender

    - Mint(Quantity: number): if the Sender matches the Process Owner, then mint the desired Quantity of tokens, adding
        them the Processes' balance
local json = require('json')

     Initialize State is equal to the Process.Id
if not Balances then Balances = { [] = 100000000000000 } end

if Name ~= 'Points Coin' then Name = 'Points Coin' end

if Ticker ~= 'Points' then Ticker = 'PNTS' end

if Denomination ~= 10 then Denomination = 10 end

if not Logo then Logo = 'SBCCXwwecBlDqRLUjb8dYABExTJXLieawf7m2aBJ-KY' end

     Add handlers for each incoming Action defined by the ao Standard Token Specification

Handlers.add('info', Handlers.utils.hasMatchingTag('Action', 'Info'), function(msg)
    { Target = msg.From, Tags = { Name = Name, Ticker = Ticker, Logo = Logo, Denomination = tostring(Denomination) } })

Handlers.add('balance', Handlers.utils.hasMatchingTag('Action', 'Balance'), function(msg)
  local bal = '0'

  -- If not Target is provided, then return the Senders balance
  if (msg.Tags.Target and Balances[msg.Tags.Target]) then
    bal = tostring(Balances[msg.Tags.Target])
  elseif Balances[msg.From] then
    bal = tostring(Balances[msg.From])

    Target = msg.From,
    Tags = { Target = msg.From, Balance = bal, Ticker = Ticker, Data = json.encode(tonumber(bal)) }

Handlers.add('balances', Handlers.utils.hasMatchingTag('Action', 'Balances'),
  function(msg) ao.send({ Target = msg.From, Data = json.encode(Balances) }) end)

Handlers.add('transfer', Handlers.utils.hasMatchingTag('Action', 'Transfer'), function(msg)
  assert(type(msg.Tags.Recipient) == 'string', 'Recipient is required!')
  assert(type(msg.Tags.Quantity) == 'string', 'Quantity is required!')

  if not Balances[msg.From] then Balances[msg.From] = 0 end

  if not Balances[msg.Tags.Recipient] then Balances[msg.Tags.Recipient] = 0 end

  local qty = tonumber(msg.Tags.Quantity)
  assert(type(qty) == 'number', 'qty must be number')

  if Balances[msg.From] >= qty then
    Balances[msg.From] = Balances[msg.From] - qty
    Balances[msg.Tags.Recipient] = Balances[msg.Tags.Recipient] + qty

         Only send the notifications to the Sender and Recipient
         if the Cast tag is not set on the Transfer message
    if not msg.Tags.Cast then
      -- Send Debit-Notice to the Sender
        Target = msg.From,
        Tags = { Action = 'Debit-Notice', Recipient = msg.Tags.Recipient, Quantity = tostring(qty) }
      -- Send Credit-Notice to the Recipient
        Target = msg.Tags.Recipient,
        Tags = { Action = 'Credit-Notice', Sender = msg.From, Quantity = tostring(qty) }
      Target = msg.Tags.From,
      Tags = { Action = 'Transfer-Error', ['Message-Id'] = msg.Id, Error = 'Insufficient Balance!' }

Handlers.add('mint', Handlers.utils.hasMatchingTag('Action', 'Mint'), function(msg, env)
  assert(type(msg.Tags.Quantity) == 'string', 'Quantity is required!')

  if msg.From == env.Process.Id then
    -- Add tokens to the token pool, according to Quantity
    local qty = tonumber(msg.Tags.Quantity)
    Balances[env.Process.Id] = Balances[env.Process.Id] + qty
      Target = msg.Tags.From,
      Tags = {
        Action = 'Mint-Error',
        ['Message-Id'] = msg.Id,
        Error = 'Only the Process Owner can mint new ' .. Ticker .. ' tokens!'

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