
Reading Results

Reading results from an ao Process

In ao, messages produce results which are made available by Compute Units (CU's). Results are JSON objects consisting of the following fields: messages, spawns, output and error.

Results are what the ao system uses to send messages and spawns that are generated by processes. A process can send a message just like you can as a developer, by returning messages and spawns in a result.

You may want to access a result to display the output generated by your message. Or you may want to see what messages etc., were generated. You do not need to take the messages and spawns from a result and send them yourself. They are automatically handled by Messenger Units (MU's). A call to results can also provide you paginated list of multiple results.

Fetching a single result

import { result } from "@permaweb/aoconnect";

let { Messages, Spawns, Output, Error } = await result({
  // the arweave TXID of the message
  message: "message-id",
  // the arweave TXID of the process
  process: "process-id",

Fetching a set of results

import { results } from "@permaweb/aoconnect";

// fetching the first page of results
let resultsOut = await results({
  process: "process-id",
  sort: "ASC",
  limit: 25,

// calling more with a cursor
let resultsOut2 = await results({
  process: "process-id",
  from: resultsOut.edges?.[resultsOut.edges.length - 1]?.cursor ?? null,
  sort: "ASC",
  limit: 25,

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