You've always known there's more to this world, just outside of your reach. You've been searching for it, not even knowing what it was you were looking for. It... is
.We begin our journey by installing the aos
client and starting a new process. This will allow us to interact with the ao computer and complete the rest of the tutorial.Video Tutorial
System requirements.
The local client of aos is very simple to install. Just make sure you have:
- NodeJS version 20+. (If you haven't yet installed it, check out this page to find instructions for your OS).
- A code editor of your choice.
.Installing aos
Once you have NodeJS on your machine, all you need to do is install aos and run it:
npm i -g
After installation, we can simply run the command itself to start a new aos process!
Welcome to the rabbit hole.
The utility you just started is a local client, which is ready to relay messages for you to your new process inside the ao computer.
After it connects, you should see the following:
_____ _______ _____
/\ \ /::\ \ /\ \
/::\ \ /:::\ \ /::\ \
/:::\ \ /::::\ \ /:::\ \
/::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /::::\ \
/::/\::\ \ /::/~~\::\ \ /::/\::\ \
/::/__\::\ \ /::/ \::\ \ /::/__\::\ \
/:::\ \::\ \ /::/ / \::\ \ \::\ \::\ \
/::::\ \::\ \ /::/____/ \::\____\ ___\::\ \::\ \
/::/\::\ \::\ \ |::| | |::| | /\ \::\ \::\ \
/::/ \::\ \::\____\|::|____| |::| |/::\ \::\ \::\____\
\::/ \::\ /::/ / \::\ \ /::/ / \::\ \::\ \::/ /
\/____/ \::\/::/ / \::\ \ /::/ / \::\ \::\ \/____/
\::::/ / \::\ /::/ / \::\ \::\ \
\:::/ / \::\__/::/ / \::\ \::\____\
/::/ / \::::::/ / \::\ /::/ /
/::/ / \::::/ / \::\/::/ /
/::/ / \:::/ / \::::/ /
/::/ / \::/____/ \:::/ /
\::/ / ~~ \::/ /
\/____/ \/____/
ao Operating System
aos - 1.8.9
2024 - Type ".exit" to exit
aos process: 1xM1_lDZ428sJHpTX7rtcR6SrDubyRVO06JEEWs_eWo
Let's walk through the initial printout after running aos
After running aos
in your terminal, you should see:
- An ASCII art image of
. - A Welcome Message
- The version of
you are running. - An instructional exit message.
- Your process ID.
npm i -g
to update, and then run aos
again.Welcome to your new home in the ao computer! The prompt you are now looking at is your own personal server in this decentralized machine.
Now, let's journey further down the rabbit hole by exploring one of the two core concept type of ao: messaging.